Topic |
Section |
Title |
3D | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 2016: 3DVA. F. Buccellati, Volumetric Analysis | | III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Bibliography domain > The hub website |
I. The Project | Project's history: the Bibliography domain > 2012: | work in progress | IV. Work in Progress Research areas | Four Banks |
A12: UGR | IV. Work in Progress Research areas | Urkesh websites > June 28, 2022: Working on the UGR at the UCLA Lab (A12) |
A15: ceramics | IV. Work in Progress Research areas | Urkesh websites > April-August, 2022: Review of full ceramic corpus (A15) |
A16 | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 2009: The A16 digital book |
accessibility | I. The Project | Project's history > Modes of publication |
AFP (program) | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > Open access (AFP) |
AI (Artificial Intelligence) | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: introduction > Artificial Argument |
I. The Project | "Cybernetica" "Mesopotamica" > From cybernetics to AI and IT |
Overview | Introduction > Facing the metaverse |
Akkadian grammar | I. The Project | Project's history: the Bibliography domain | | III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Bibliography domain > Near completion |
I. The Project | Project's history: the Bibliography domain > 2021: |
Amarna | I. The Project | Project's history: the Texts domain > 1977-84: Amarna, Ugarit |
Amorites (seminar) | IV. Work in Progress Workshops | Meetings > July 29-30, 2024: Meeting in Beola |
animals | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > August 28-31, 2024: “Animal Associations in Human burials: Insights from Tell Mozan (Middle Bronze Age, Northern Syria)” |
Archaeology for a Young Future | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > December 8, 2017: Lecture at the Shanghai Archaeological Forum |
archaeology: natively digital | II. A system of websites | The Urkesh Global Record > The system of digital books |
ArchaeoTrail | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > ArchaeoTrail |
archival approach | I. The Project | Project's history > The Cybernetica Mesopotamica approach to website publication |
archival versions | I. The Project | Project's history > Modes of publication |
archive | | Current versions |
III. The goals | The digital future > Archives |
II. The website | Archive |
Archive |
Overview | Archival note |
archive: implementation | II. The website | Archive > Implementation of the archive |
archive of Puzurum | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > An anticipation of GPS and GIS |
archives | | Archives |
area books | II. A system of websites | The Urkesh Global Record > Area |
articles | III. The goals | Printed venues > Articles |
V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Articles |
articles: 1983 | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Articles > 1983 |
articles: 1986 | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Articles > 1986 |
articles: 1990 | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Articles > 1990 |
articles: 1992 | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Articles > 1992 |
articles: 2006 | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Articles > 2006 |
articles: 2007 | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Articles > 2007 |
articles: 2008 | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Articles > 2008 |
articles: 2010 | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Articles > 2010 |
articles: 2020 | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Articles > 2020 |
articles: 2022 | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Articles > 2022 |
articles: 2023 | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Articles > 2023 |
Artificial Argument | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: introduction > Artificial Argument |
audiences | Overview | Introduction > Intended audiences |
audio-visual modules | I. The Project | Project's history: the Theory domain > Multimedia ante litteram |
authors | III. The goals | Overview > A comprehensive list of individual projects by author |
authorship | Authorship | Bernardo Forni |
Giorgio Buccellati |
James Walker |
Marco De Pietri |
II. The website | Authorship |
Authorship > The concept |
Overview | Introduction > 5. Authorship |
AutoLISP | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 2016: BlockGen: Volumetric record of in-progress exposure of architecture (AutoLISP) |
Baceno conference | IV. Work in Progress Workshops Seminars | Beola 5 > Public outreach |
Balzan | I. The Project | The Balzan phase |
The Balzan phase > Impact of the Balzan prize |
BASIC | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 1982-2010 Programs in Archaeology (BASIC) |
beauty | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > November 29, 2023: Conference at “Politecnico di Milano”, Mantua Campus |
Beola 0 | IV. Work in Progress Workshops Seminars | Beola 0 |
Beola 1 | IV. Work in Progress Research areas | Programming > Workshop “Beola 1” |
IV. Work in Progress Workshops | Seminars > Beola 1 - July 2022 |
IV. Work in Progress Workshops Seminars | Beola 1 |
Beola 2 | IV. Work in Progress Research areas | Programming > Workshop “Beola 2” |
IV. Work in Progress Workshops | Seminars > Beola 2 - September 2022 |
IV. Work in Progress Workshops Seminars | Beola 2 |
IV. Work in Progress Workshops Seminars Beola 2 | Brief Report |
Extended Report |
Beola 3 | IV. Work in Progress Research areas | Programming > Workshop “Beola 3” |
IV. Work in Progress Workshops | Seminars > Beola 3 - May 2023 |
IV. Work in Progress Workshops Seminars | Beola 3 |
IV. Work in Progress Workshops Seminars Beola 3 | Report |
Beola 4 | IV. Work in Progress Research areas | Programming > Workshops “Beola 4a-c” |
IV. Work in Progress Workshops | Seminars > Beola 4 - June 2023 |
IV. Work in Progress Workshops Seminars | Beola 4 |
Beola 4a | IV. Work in Progress Workshops Seminars | Beola 4a |
Beola 4b | IV. Work in Progress Workshops Seminars | Beola 4b |
Beola 4c | IV. Work in Progress Workshops Seminars | Beola 4c |
Beola 4d | IV. Work in Progress Workshops Seminars | Beola 4d |
Beola 5 | IV. Work in Progress Workshops | Seminars > Beola 5 - September 2023 |
IV. Work in Progress Workshops Seminars | Beola 5 |
IV. Work in Progress Workshops Seminars Beola 5 | Report |
Beola 6 | IV. Work in Progress Workshops | Seminars > Beola 6 - September 2024 |
IV. Work in Progress Workshops Seminars | Beola 6 |
IV. Work in Progress Workshops Seminars Beola 6 | Report |
Beola 7 | IV. Work in Progress Workshops Seminars | Beola 7 |
Beola meeting (December 2023) | IV. Work in Progress Workshops | Meetings > December 19-20, 2023: Meetings in Beola |
Beola meeting (July 2024) | IV. Work in Progress Workshops | Meetings > July 29-30, 2024: Meeting in Beola |
Beola meeting (June 2024) | IV. Work in Progress Workshops | Meetings > June 27-29, 2024: Meeting in Beola |
Beola meeting (May) 2024) | IV. Work in Progress Workshops | Meetings > May 10-11, 2024: Meetings in Beola |
Berlin meeting (March 2023) | IV. Work in Progress Workshops | Meetings > March 17, 2023: Meeting in Berlin with Yasmine Mahmoud |
Berlin meetings (March 2023) | IV. Work in Progress Workshops | Meetings > March 6-31, 2023: Meetings in Berlin |
Berlin meetings (November-December 2022) | IV. Work in Progress Workshops | Meetings > November 15 - December 31, 2022: Extended meetings in Berlin with Deputy Director F. Buccellati and other members of the team |
best images | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > Best images |
bibliographical status | II. The website | Archive > Bibliographical status |
Archive > Bibliographical status |
I. The Project | Project's history: the Theory domain > Perception |
bibliographical websites | I. The Project | Project's history: the Bibliography domain > Overview |
bibliography | I. The Project | Project's history: the Bibliography domain |
Overview | Introduction |
Introduction > 3. Bibliography |
bibliography domain | III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Bibliography domain |
IV. Work in Progress Research areas | Bibliography |
big data | II. A system of websites | The Urkesh Global Record > The primacy of the unit books |
bioanthropoligical analysis | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > March 1, 2024: Lecture of A. Kharobi at Kiel University “Under the Dust of Tell Mozan: Bioanthropological analysis” |
Lectures > September 7, 2021: Lecture by A. Kharobi; The UGR: Overview and Zoom on the Bioanthropogical Data |
BlockGen (program) | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 2016: BlockGen: Volumetric record of in-progress exposure of architecture (AutoLISP) |
Project's history: the Sites domain > 6. Two programs |
books: 2023 | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | 5-books > 2023 |
books: results | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | 5-books |
books without websites | III. The goals | Printed venues > Books without a corresponding website |
books with websites | III. The goals | Printed venues > Books with a corresponding website |
browser edition | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > A browser edition |
browsers | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > PHASE III. BROWSERS (1997-2011) |
Project's history: the Theory domain > PHASE III. BROWSERS (1997-2001) |
browsing | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: principles > Perception of the whole |
‘camera ready’ text | I. The Project | Project's history: the Theory domain > Control |
CAR | III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Bibliography domain > Second edition |
IV. Work in Progress Research areas | Bibliography > September 24-26, 2022: Working with L. Recht on the implementation of CAR |
Four Banks > September 24-26, 2022: Working with L. Recht on the implementation of CAR |
categorization (notion) | I. The Project | Project's history > IV. AN INTEGRATED SYSTEM (2012-21) |
categorization system | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 1976-81: Categorization |
Project's history: the Sites domain > Typological books: Ceramics |
Ceramics (typological/topical book) | II. A system of websites | The Urkesh Global Record > Typology |
I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 4. Typological books |
Project's history: the Sites domain > Typological books: Ceramics |
CerPhaS (program) | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 2018: CerPhaS: Tabulations of ceramics by multiple variables (Python) |
check | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > Errors and elements to be checked |
checked | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > To be checked |
chronicle | IV. Work in Progress | Chronicle |
civilizational model | I. The Project | "Cybernetica" "Mesopotamica" > A civilizational model |
civilizational model: Mesopotamia | I. The Project | "Cybernetica" "Mesopotamica" > A “civilizational model” |
civilization(s) | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > September 22-24, 2022: Lectures at the Melammu Symposium |
cluster | II. The website | System clusters |
clusters | II. The website | System clusters > Hubs and clusters |
coherence | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: principles > Discursive nature of websites |
The Urkesh Global Record > The primacy of the unit books |
II. The website | Authorship > Data organization |
I. The Project | Project's history > History as reflection |
Project's history: the Theory domain > 2008 and 2012: Two grant proposals |
Collectanea Urkeshiana | III. The goals | Printed venues > Collectanea Urkeshiana |
comprehensive argument | II. A system of websites | The Urkesh Global Record > The primacy of the unit books |
computerization | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 1976-81: Categorization |
computers | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain |
conceptualization | I. The Project | Project's history: the Theory domain > 1990-92: Undercurrent |
conclusions | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: principles > Discursive nature of websites |
Overview | Conclusion |
contents | Overview | Introduction |
continuity | I. The Project | Project's history > History as reflection |
conversion of old format websites | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Websites > Conversion of old format websites |
critical thinking | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: principles > Discursive nature of websites |
critical thought | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: principles > Inter-planarity | | I. The Project | Project's history: the Bibliography domain > 2014-17: |
Project's history: the Theory domain > 2017: A Critique of Archaeological Reason |
cultural imprint | I. The Project | "Cybernetica" "Mesopotamica" > A civilizational model |
Cybernetica Mesopotamica: contents | Overview | Introduction > Contents |
Cybernetica Mesopotamica: goals | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: implementation > Implementation of the theory |
III. The goals | Overview > A two-pronged approach |
I. The Project | "Cybernetica" "Mesopotamica" > A civilizational model |
Cybernetica Mesopotamica: system | II. System and website | System domains > The system |
Cybernetica Mesopotamica: system (synopsis) | II. The website | System clusters > System synopsis |
Cybernetica Mesopotamica: timeline | III. The goals | Overview > Timeline |
Cybernetica Mesopotamica (Undena) | I. The Project | Project's history: the Texts domain > 1979-1984: Cybernetica Mesopotamica and collaboration with Saporetti |
cybernetics | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: principles > Methods and techniques |
I. The Project | "Cybernetica" "Mesopotamica" > From cybernetics to AI and IT |
DABI > MID format | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > From DABI to MID format |
DABI (program) | III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Bibliography domain > The Bibliography domain |
I. The Project | Project's history: the Bibliography domain |
Project's history: the Bibliography domain > 2017-2021: The DABI program |
Project's history: the Sites domain > 2021-23: Python rewrite of PA |
Damascus meetings (June 2023) | IV. Work in Progress Workshops | Meetings > June 1-9, 2023: Conference and meetings in Damascus |
data | Overview | Introduction |
database | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: principles > Aggregative nature of websites |
V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > February 22, 2023: Lecture by G. Buccellati and M. Kelly-Buccellati at UCLA (“The dignity of the fragment”) |
data management | I. The Project | Project's history > I. MAINFRAME COMPUTERS (1968-84) |
data organization | II. The website | Authorship > Data organization |
data processing | III. The goals | "Cybernetica": the digital goals > Data processing |
dating system | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > Dating system |
deep reading | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: principles > Discursive nature of websites |
digital approach | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > September 24, 2021: Lecture by Jonah Lynch (EADH 2021) |
digital argument | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: introduction > A basic dichotomy |
For a website theory: principles > Methods and techniques |
digital books | II. A system of websites | The Urkesh Global Record > The primacy of the unit books |
The Urkesh Global Record > The system of digital books |
III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Sites domain > Sorted by author’s last name |
"Mesopotamica": the Sites domain > The Sites domain |
I. The Project | Project's history > IV. AN INTEGRATED SYSTEM (2012-21) |
Project's history: the Sites domain > 2000-11: Websites |
Project's history: the Sites domain > 2009: The A16 digital book |
Project's history: the Theory domain > 2008 and 2012: Two grant proposals |
digital books: types | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > Types of digital books within the UGR |
digital data | III. The goals | "Mesopotamica" |
digital discourse | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: examples > Digital Discourse |
The Urkesh Global Record > The system of digital books |
I. The Project | "Cybernetica" "Mesopotamica" > “Mesopotamia” as the object |
Project's history > History as reflection |
The Balzan phase > Phase V. Digital discourse |
V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > May 8, 2024: Lecture by G. Buccellati and M. Kelly-Buccellati: “The Urkesh Extended Project: Community archaeology and digital discourse” |
Lectures > November 16, 2021: Conference at Politecnico, Milan |
Lectures > September 22, 2021: Lecture by Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati (Madrid) |
Digital Discourse (book) | III. The goals | Digital Discourse. A View from the Field |
Digital Discourse (book) | IV. Work in Progress Workshops Seminars Beola 3 | Report > The project of the Digital Discourse book |
digital discourse: website | I. The Project | Project's history: the Theory domain > 2021: The d-discourse website |
digital ≠ electronic | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: principles > Discursive nature of websites |
digital format | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: principles > Inter-planarity |
The Urkesh Global Record > The primacy of the unit books |
digital goals | III. The goals | "Cybernetica": the digital goals |
digital handling | I. The Project | Project's history: the Theory domain > Control |
digitali humanities | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > September 24, 2021: Lecture by Jonah Lynch (EADH 2021) |
digitality | I. The Project | "Cybernetica" "Mesopotamica" > “Mesopotamia” as the object |
V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > January 4, 2024: Lecture of G. Buccellati and M. Kelly-Buccellati at the MET “From clay to silicon: the pride of a lost heritage and a digital innovation” |
digitalization | I. The Project | Project's history: the Texts domain > 1977-2012: Ebla |
digital method | III. The goals | Overview > A two-pronged approach |
digital pages | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: digital pages |
digital publication | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 2008: An Archaeological Grammar and a Global Record for the Monumental Urban Complex of Urkesh (Mellon grant) |
Project's history: the Sites domain > 2012: The digital invention of Urkesh (NEH proposal) |
digital technology | I. The Project | Project's history: the Theory domain > Perception |
digital thought | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 2008: An Archaeological Grammar and a Global Record for the Monumental Urban Complex of Urkesh (Mellon grant) |
digital venues | III. The goals | Printed venues > Digital and printed venues |
digitization | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > May 4-5, 2022: Lectures at the congress Humanism and Digitization |
dignity | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > February 22, 2023: Lecture by G. Buccellati and M. Kelly-Buccellati at UCLA (“The dignity of the fragment”) |
discursive argument | II. A system of websites | The Urkesh Global Record > The system of digital books |
distributional analysis | I. The Project | Project's history: the Theory domain > 2008 and 2012: Two grant proposals |
distribution disks | I. The Project | Project's history: the Texts domain > 1987-98: Distribution disks |
domains | II. System and website | System domains |
System domains > Domains |
System domains > Hubs |
early phases | | Early |
Ebla | I. The Project | Project's history: the Texts domain > 1977-2012: Ebla |
Ebla: personal names | III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Texts domain > The Ebla personal names |
ED III seal impressions | I. The Project | Project's history: the Seals domain > 2018: Laerke Recht, ED III seal impressions |
editorial oversight | I. The Project | Project's history > Modes of publication |
e-mail | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > Common e-mail for people working on UGR |
emplacement | II. A system of websites | The Urkesh Global Record > The primacy of the unit books |
EnCAB (program) | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 2019: EnCAB: Energetic Calculator for Ancient Buildings (Python) |
Project's history: the Sites domain > 6. Two programs |
ephemeris | | Archives > The ephemeris concept |
II. The website | Archive > Bibliographical status |
Archive > Bibliographical status |
epigraphy | I. The Project | Project's history: the Texts domain |
epistemic dichotomy | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: introduction > A basic dichotomy |
epistemic model | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: principles > Inter-planarity |
epistemic system | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: implementation > Implementation of the theory |
I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 2012: The digital invention of Urkesh (NEH proposal) |
Project's history: the Theory domain > Control |
errors | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > Errors |
Reserved for Staff > Errors and elements to be checked |
events | IV. Work in Progress | Chronicle |
V. Results Public Outreach | Events |
events: 2023 | V. Results Public Outreach | Events > 2023 |
excavation report | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > February 22, 2023: Lecture by G. Buccellati and M. Kelly-Buccellati at UCLA (“The dignity of the fragment”) |
excavation units | II. A system of websites | The Urkesh Global Record > The primacy of the unit books |
I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > Excavation units |
exhibits | V. Results Public Outreach | Exhibits |
exhibits: 2010 | V. Results Public Outreach | Exhibits > 2010 |
exhibits: 2011 | V. Results Public Outreach | Exhibits > 2011 |
exhibits: 2012 | V. Results Public Outreach | Exhibits > 2012 |
exhibits: 2014 | V. Results Public Outreach | Exhibits > 2014 |
exhibits: 2015 | V. Results Public Outreach | Exhibits > 2015 |
exhibits: 2016 | V. Results Public Outreach | Exhibits > 2016 |
exhibits: 2017 | V. Results Public Outreach | Exhibits > 2017 |
exhibits: 2018 | V. Results Public Outreach | Exhibits > 2018 |
exhibits: 2019 | V. Results Public Outreach | Exhibits > 2019 |
exhibits: Archeology for Peace (Leiden) | V. Results Public Outreach | Exhibits > Leiden: Archaeology for Peace |
exhibits: Dal Profondo (Domodossola) | V. Results Public Outreach | Exhibits > Domodossola: Dal profondo del tempo |
exhibits: Dal Profondo (Qamishli) | V. Results Public Outreach | Exhibits > Qamishli: Dal profondo del tempo |
exhibits: Dal Profondo (Rimini) | V. Results Public Outreach | Exhibits > Rimini: Dal profondo del tempo |
exhibits: Georgia (Rimini) | V. Results Public Outreach | Exhibits > Rimini: Georgia. Paese d’oro e di fede |
exhibits: In tune of the past (Damascus 2010) | V. Results Public Outreach | Exhibits > Damascus In tune with the past. Urkesh, the discovery of a new ancient Syrian civilization |
exhibits: In tune of the past (Damascus 2011) | V. Results Public Outreach | Exhibits > Damascus In tune with the past. Urkesh, the discovery of a new ancient Syrian civilization |
exhibits: Invitation to Mozan (Qamishli) | V. Results Public Outreach | Exhibits > Qamishli: Invitation to Mozan |
exhibits: Millennia (Aleppo) | V. Results Public Outreach | Exhibits > Aleppo: The Millennia for today |
exhibits: Millennia (Damascus) | V. Results Public Outreach | Exhibits > Damascus: The Millennia for today |
exhibits: Millennia (LA) | V. Results Public Outreach | Exhibits > Los Angeles: The Millennia for today |
exhibits: Millennia (Rimini) | V. Results Public Outreach | Exhibits > Rimini: The Millennia for today |
exhibits: Urkesh (Mozan) | V. Results Public Outreach | Exhibits > Mozan: Urkesh |
exhibits: Young Future (Beirut) | V. Results Public Outreach | Exhibits > Beirut: Archaeology for a young future |
experimental archaeology | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 6. Two programs |
Field Encoding Manual (1996) | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 1982- Grammar |
first computers | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 1982-83: The first computers |
Florence meeting (November 2023) | IV. Work in Progress Workshops | Meetings > November 28, 2023: Meetings in Florence |
forthcoming articles | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Articles > forthc. |
Four Banks Project | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > November 16, 2021: Conference at Politecnico, Milan |
fragment | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > February 22, 2023: Lecture by G. Buccellati and M. Kelly-Buccellati at UCLA (“The dignity of the fragment”) |
FreeHand | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > FreeHand |
IV. Work in Progress Workshops Seminars | Beola 4d > FreeHand |
fruition | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 1992-98: Static outputs |
function | II. A system of websites | The Urkesh Global Record > Function |
functional areas | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 2. Functional and topographical areas |
Georgia | IV. Work in Progress | Reports > August 28-31, 2024: “Georgian Monasteries between invasion and resilience during Middle Ages” |
V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > August 28-31, 2024: “Georgian Monasteries between invasion and resilience during Middle Ages” |
Getty Conservation Institute | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > March 13, 2024: Lecture of G. Buccellati at the Getty Conservation Institute “The Pride of Lost Heritage: An Integrated Preservation Approach at Ancient Urkesh, Syria” |
Lectures > March 27, 2024: Seminar by G. Buccellati and Cornelius Holtorf at the Getty Conservation Institute: “Urkesh and The Book of Change Seminar” |
GIS (Geographic Information System) | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > An anticipation of GPS and GIS |
global record | II. A system of websites | The Urkesh Global Record > The system of digital books |
glyptics | I. The Project | Project's history: the Seals domain |
Glyptics (typological/topical book) | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > Typological books: Glyptics |
goals | I. The Project | The Balzan phase > Goals |
G (program) | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 1. Surveying data (M, R, G and PT) |
GPS (Global Positioning System) | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 1. Surveying data (M, R, G and PT) |
Project's history: the Sites domain > An anticipation of GPS and GIS |
grammar | II. A system of websites | The Urkesh Global Record > Sitewide |
I. The Project | Project's history > IV. AN INTEGRATED SYSTEM (2012-21) |
Project's history: the Sites domain |
Project's history: the Sites domain > 1982- Grammar |
Project's history: the Sites domain > 1982-: Grammar and programs |
Project's history: the Theory domain > 2008 and 2012: Two grant proposals |
Grammar of Space | I. The Project | Project's history: the Theory domain > 1990-92: Undercurrent |
graphemic analysis | III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Texts domain > The Texts domain |
graphemic categorization | I. The Project | Project's history: the Texts domain > 1979-1984: Cybernetica Mesopotamica and collaboration with Saporetti |
Graphical User Interface | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 1997-2002: LAN and graphic interface |
graph representation | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > September 24, 2021: Lecture by Jonah Lynch (EADH 2021) |
Graz meeting (September 2022) | IV. Work in Progress Workshops | Meetings > September 24-26, 2022: Meeting with L. Recht in Graz after the Melammu Symposium |
heritage | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > Integrated approach: virtual heritage |
V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > January 4, 2024: Lecture of G. Buccellati and M. Kelly-Buccellati at the MET “From clay to silicon: the pride of a lost heritage and a digital innovation” |
Lectures > March 13, 2024: Lecture of G. Buccellati at the Getty Conservation Institute “The Pride of Lost Heritage: An Integrated Preservation Approach at Ancient Urkesh, Syria” |
hermeneutic analysis | I. The Project | Project's history: the Seals domain > Relevance |
hermeneutics | I. The Project | Project's history: the Theory domain > 2008 and 2012: Two grant proposals |
history | I. The Project | Project's history |
history: phases | I. The Project | Project's history > Phases |
history = reflection | I. The Project | Project's history > History as reflection |
horizons | II. A system of websites | The Urkesh Global Record > Horizon |
how to label images | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > VWX/JD |
HTML format | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > In HTML format (“Version 1”) |
hub(s) | II. System and website | System domains > Hubs |
hubs | II. The website | System clusters > Hubs and clusters |
human burials | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > August 28-31, 2024: “Animal Associations in Human burials: Insights from Tell Mozan (Middle Bronze Age, Northern Syria)” |
humanism | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > May 4-5, 2022: Lectures at the congress Humanism and Digitization |
Ibycus computers | I. The Project | Project's history: the Theory domain > Perception |
illicit traffick | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > November 8, 2023: Lecture by H. Qassar in Poitiers |
images | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > Images |
images: for topical books | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > Images useful for the topical books |
images: labeling | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > VWX/JD |
implementation | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: implementation |
infrastructure | IV. Work in Progress | Staff and infrastructure |
Staff and infrastructure > Infrastructure |
integrated system | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 2012: The digital invention of Urkesh (NEH proposal) |
intelligibility | I. The Project | Project's history: the Theory domain > Control |
inter-planar discourse | I. The Project | Project's history: the Theory domain > Multimedia ante litteram |
inter-planarity | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: examples > Digital Discourse |
For a website theory: principles > Inter-planarity |
The Urkesh Global Record > The primacy of the unit books |
The Urkesh Global Record > The system of digital books |
II. The website | Authorship > The concept |
interrelated data | II. A system of websites | The Urkesh Global Record > The system of digital books |
introduction | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: principles > Discursive nature of websites |
Overview | Introduction |
IT (Information Technology) | I. The Project | "Cybernetica" "Mesopotamica" > From cybernetics to AI and IT |
JD (Journal to Display) suite | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > Primary programs: the JD suite |
Project's history: the Sites domain > Programs in Archaeology (PA) |
JD (program) | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > JD & VWX programs |
knowledge | I. The Project | "Cybernetica" "Mesopotamica" > “Mesopotamia” as the object |
KWIC (KeyWords In Context) | I. The Project | Project's history: the Texts domain > The corpus |
landscape | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > Virtual reconstruction of the archaeological landscape |
language | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: introduction > Lessons from the past: language and writing |
LAN (Local Area Network) | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 1997-2002: LAN and graphic interface |
lectures | III. The goals | Printed venues > Lectures and conferences |
V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures |
lexicon | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > Typological books: Ceramics |
Linguistic Analysis of Akkadian (LAA) | III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Texts domain > The hub site: Linguistic Analysis of Akkadian |
logo | I. The Project | The logo > A tablet |
Madrid | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > May 8, 2024: Lecture by G. Buccellati and M. Kelly-Buccellati: “The Urkesh Extended Project: Community archaeology and digital discourse” |
Lectures > September 22, 2021: Lecture by Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati (Madrid) |
main hub: work in progress | IV. Work in Progress Research areas | Main hub |
manual | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 2020: A manual for the beginners |
map of errors | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > Maps of errors in the UGR (broken links) |
Markdown Guide | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > The Markdown Guide (by Matt Cone) |
Markdown: material | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > Markdown and MID: useful material |
Markdown Online Guide | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > Markdown Online Guide |
media | V. Results Public Outreach | Media |
media: 2022 | V. Results Public Outreach | Media > 2022 |
media: 2023 | V. Results Public Outreach | Media > 2023 |
meetings | IV. Work in Progress Workshops | Meetings | | III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Bibliography domain > From scratch | | III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Bibliography domain > From scratch |
Mesopotamia | I. The Project | "Cybernetica" "Mesopotamica" |
Mesopotamica | I. The Project | "Cybernetica" "Mesopotamica" > “Mesopotamia” as the object |
"Cybernetica" "Mesopotamica" > “Mesopotamia” as the subject | | III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Bibliography domain > Near completion |
I. The Project | Project's history: the Bibliography domain > 2013-21: | | III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Bibliography domain > Near completion |
I. The Project | Project's history: the Bibliography domain > 2012-2021: |
IV. Work in Progress Research areas | Bibliography > September 24, 2021: Theoretical framework of the Mes-Rel website (Jonah Lynch) |
Four Banks > September 24, 2021: Theoretical framework of the Mes-Rel website (Jonah Lynch) |
MET | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > January 4, 2024: Lecture of G. Buccellati and M. Kelly-Buccellati at the MET “From clay to silicon: the pride of a lost heritage and a digital innovation” |
metaverse | Overview | Introduction > Facing the metaverse |
methodological books | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 5. Methodological books |
methodology | Overview | Introduction |
methods | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: principles > Methods and techniques |
micro-computer | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 1982-83: The first computers |
MID Chart | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > MID Chart (by Bernardo Forni) |
MID format | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > In MID format (“Version 1a/Version1”) |
MID native websites | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Websites > Already converted/created |
MID (program) | III. The goals | "Cybernetica": the digital goals > In the service of the argument |
"Mesopotamica": the Sites domain > The Sites domain |
I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 2021-23: Python rewrite of PA |
Project's history: the Sites domain > From Markdown Input to Display (MID) |
MID Vademecum | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > MID Vademecum (by Bernardo Forni) |
Milan meeting (March 2023) | IV. Work in Progress Workshops | Meetings > March 7-9, 2023: Meeting in Milan (Y. Mahmoud and M. De Pietri) |
MNI (program) | III. The goals | "Cybernetica": the digital goals > In the service of the argument |
I. The Project | Project's history: the Bibliography domain > 2020: The MNI program |
models | I. The Project | "Cybernetica" "Mesopotamica" |
modes of publication | I. The Project | Project's history > Modes of publication |
Monographic Journals of the Near East | I. The Project | Project's history: the Theory domain > Fragmentation |
monotheism | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > February 14, 2023: Lecture by G. Buccellati at UCLA (“At the origins of monotheism”) |
Mozan sitewide (MZ) | II. A system of websites | The Urkesh Global Record > Sitewide |
III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Sites domain > (1) Sitewide |
I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 3. Sitewide book |
M (program) | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 1. Surveying data (M, R, G and PT) |
multi-linear argument | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: examples > Digital Discourse |
multi-linear discourse | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: introduction > A website theory |
I. The Project | Project's history: the Theory domain > Multimedia ante litteram |
multi-linearity | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: principles > Inter-planarity |
multi-linearity epistemic system | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: examples > Digital Discourse |
multi-linear narrative | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > September 22, 2021: Lecture by Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati (Madrid) |
multi-planar discourse | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: introduction > A website theory |
MyKeyGuide | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > MyKeyGuide (by Michele Scaciga) |
narrative | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > February 22, 2023: Lecture by G. Buccellati and M. Kelly-Buccellati at UCLA (“The dignity of the fragment”) |
navigating | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: principles > Perception of the whole |
network analysis | I. The Project | Project's history: the Bibliography domain > 2020: The MNI program |
V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > September 24, 2021: Lecture by Jonah Lynch (EADH 2021) |
notices | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > Notices |
objectivity | II. A system of websites | The Urkesh Global Record > The primacy of the unit books |
Old Assyrian Glyptics | III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Seals domain > The Old Assyrian corpus |
"Mesopotamica": the Seals domain > The Seals domain |
I. The Project | Project's history: the Seals domain > 2006: Federico Buccellati, Altassyrische Glyptik. Eine inhaltliche und methodologische Annäherung |
Old Babylonian Glyptics | III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Seals domain > The Old Babylonian corpus |
"Mesopotamica": the Seals domain > The Seals domain |
Old Babylonian letters | III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Texts domain > Old Babylonian letters: graphemic analysis |
Old Babylonian Linguistic Analysis Project (OBLAP) | I. The Project | Project's history: the Texts domain > 1973-77: NEH sponsored Old Babylonian Linguistic Analysis Project |
Old Babylonian Royal Letters | III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Texts domain > Old Babylonian royal letters: morphemic analysis |
I. The Project | Project's history: the Texts domain > 2012-14: Old Babylonian Royal Letters |
“ongoing | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > Ongoing processes |
Open Access | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > Open access (AFP) |
output | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > Changes in the output |
overview | III. The goals | Overview |
passwords | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > Password(s) for people working on UGR |
IV. Work in Progress Workshops Seminars | Beola 4c > Password(s) for people working on UGR |
perception | I. The Project | Project's history: the Theory domain > Perception |
Perl | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 2019: Perl rewrite of PA |
Perl (program) | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > TP program |
Phase III: browsers | I. The Project | Project's history > III. BROWSERS (1997-2011) |
Phase II: portable computers | I. The Project | Project's history > II. PORTABLE COMPUTERS (1976-96) |
Project's history: the Theory domain > PHASE II. PORTABLE COMPUTERS (1976-84) |
Phase I: mainframe computers | I. The Project | Project's history > I. MAINFRAME COMPUTERS (1968-84) |
Phase IV: integrated system | I. The Project | Project's history > IV. AN INTEGRATED SYSTEM (2012-21) |
phases | I. The Project | Project's history |
Phase V: digital discourse | I. The Project | Project's history > V. DIGITAL DISCOURSE (2022-) |
Photographic Data Sets | I. The Project | Project's history: the Theory domain > Multimedia ante litteram |
plots | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 1. Surveying data (M, R, G and PT) |
plotter | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 1983-84: The plotter |
Politecnico | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > November 16, 2021: Conference at Politecnico, Milan |
Lectures > November 29, 2023: Conference at “Politecnico di Milano”, Mantua Campus |
portability | III. The goals | The digital future |
The digital future > Portability as a problem |
IV. Work in Progress | Staff and infrastructure > Portability |
portable computers | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 1982-83: The first computers |
Project's history: the Sites domain > PHASE II. PORTABLE COMPUTERS (1976-96) |
preface | | Preface |
pride | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > January 4, 2024: Lecture of G. Buccellati and M. Kelly-Buccellati at the MET “From clay to silicon: the pride of a lost heritage and a digital innovation” |
Lectures > March 13, 2024: Lecture of G. Buccellati at the Getty Conservation Institute “The Pride of Lost Heritage: An Integrated Preservation Approach at Ancient Urkesh, Syria” |
primary data | Overview | Introduction > 2. Primary data |
principles | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: principles |
printed books | III. The goals | Printed venues > Books |
printed medium | I. The Project | Project's history: the Theory domain > 1973-90: At the interface with the printed medium |
printed venues | III. The goals | Printed venues |
Printed venues > Digital and printed venues |
programming | III. The goals | "Cybernetica": the digital goals > Programming |
II. The website | Authorship > Programming |
I. The Project | Project's history > IV. AN INTEGRATED SYSTEM (2012-21) |
Project's history: the Sites domain > 2016-21 Programming |
programming: 2022 | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Programming > 2022 |
programming: 2023 | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Programming > 2023 |
programming: Beola 1 | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Programming > Workshop “Beola 1” |
programming: Beola 2 | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Programming > Workshop “Beola 2” |
programming: Beola 3 | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Programming > Workshop “Beola 3” |
programming: Beola 4 | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Programming > Workshop “Beola 4” |
programming: results | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Programming |
programming: work in progress | IV. Work in Progress Research areas | Programming |
programs | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain |
Project's history: the Sites domain > 1982-2010 Programs in Archaeology (BASIC) |
Project's history: the Sites domain > 1982-: Grammar and programs |
programs: archaeology | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > Programs in Archaeology (PA) |
project: evaluation | IV. Work in Progress | Staff and infrastructure > Evaluation |
project: history | I. The Project | Project's history > Overview |
Project's history: the Theory domain |
project: timeline | IV. Work in Progress | Overview and timeline > Timeline |
project: work in progress | IV. Work in Progress Research areas | Project |
PT (program) | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 1. Surveying data (M, R, G and PT) |
publication: modes | I. The Project | Project's history |
publications | Part Two. The Project The proposal | Publications and dissemination |
public outreach | V. Results | 2. Public outreach |
PWs | IV. Work in Progress Workshops Seminars | Beola 4c > Utilities |
Python | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 2018: CerPhaS: Tabulations of ceramics by multiple variables (Python) |
Project's history: the Sites domain > 2019: EnCAB: Energetic Calculator for Ancient Buildings (Python) |
Project's history: the Sites domain > 2021-23: Python rewrite of PA |
queries | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: principles > Aggregative nature of websites |
I. The Project | Project's history: the Theory domain > Control |
referentiality | I. The Project | "Cybernetica" "Mesopotamica" > “Mesopotamia” as the subject |
religion | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > September 24, 2021: Lecture by Jonah Lynch (EADH 2021) |
remote sensing | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > Remote sensing applications |
reports | III. The goals | Printed venues > In house reports |
IV. Work in Progress | Reports |
reserved for staff | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff |
results | IV. Work in Progress | Overview and timeline |
V. Results | Introduction |
roster | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > Typological books: Ceramics |
R (program) | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 1. Surveying data (M, R, G and PT) |
scholarly outcomes | V. Results | 1. Scholarly outcomes |
scribal culture | I. The Project | "Cybernetica" "Mesopotamica" > A “civilizational model” |
seal impressions: Urkesh | I. The Project | Project's history: the Seals domain > The corpus |
sealings | I. The Project | Project's history: the Seals domain |
seals | I. The Project | Project's history: the Seals domain |
seals domain | III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Seals domain |
Seals domain | I. The Project | Project's history: the Seals domain > 1975-90: Seals project |
seals: work in progress | IV. Work in Progress Research areas | Seals |
segmented narrative | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: principles > Perception of the whole |
The Urkesh Global Record > The system of digital books |
selectric typewriter | I. The Project | Project's history: the Theory domain > Perception |
seminar: Amorites | IV. Work in Progress Workshops | Meetings > July 29-30, 2024: Meeting in Beola |
seminars | IV. Work in Progress Workshops | Seminars |
Shanghai Archaeological Forum | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > December 8, 2017: Lecture at the Shanghai Archaeological Forum |
sherd count | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > Cumulative sherd count not revised (mKB ZH724) |
sites domain | III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Sites domain |
sphragistics | I. The Project | Project's history: the Seals domain |
Project's history: the Seals domain > 1977: Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati, Towards the Use of Quantitative Analysis in Mesopotamian Sphragistics (online) |
stability of format | I. The Project | Project's history > Modes of publication |
staff | IV. Work in Progress | Staff and infrastructure |
Staff and infrastructure > Staff |
staircase | I. The Project | The logo |
The logo > A staircase |
static output | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > Excavation units |
Steering Committee | III. The goals | The digital future > The Steering Committee |
structural comparison of religion | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > September 24, 2021: Lecture by Jonah Lynch (EADH 2021) |
structural system | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 1976-81: Categorization |
synoptic chart | I. The Project | Project's history |
tablet | I. The Project | The logo |
The logo > A tablet |
talks | V. Results Public Outreach | Talks |
talks: 2020 | V. Results Public Outreach | Talks > 2020 |
talks: 2023 | V. Results Public Outreach | Talks > 2023 |
talks: Baceno | V. Results Public Outreach | Talks > September 14, 2023: Lecture by G. Buccellati, M. Kelly-Buccellati and F. Buccellati in Baceno (“Collegamenti nel mondo: Baceno e la Siria”) |
talks: UCLA | V. Results Public Outreach | Talks > February 16, 2023: Lecture by G. Buccellati and M. Kelly-Buccellati at UCLA, in conversation with M. Wolf (“Urkesh beyond Urkesh”) |
Talks > March 2, 2023: Lecture by G. Buccellati and M. Kelly-Buccellati at UCLA (“Urkesh, a dead city and yet alive”) |
talks: virtual | V. Results Public Outreach | Talks > November 11, 2020: Lecture Urkesh beyond Urkesh: Community and Digitality |
techniques | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: principles > Methods and techniques |
templates | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 1. Surveying data (M, R, G and PT) |
Terqa | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain | | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 2003: The Terqa website |
IV. Work in Progress Research areas | Terqa |
texts | I. The Project | Project's history: the Texts domain |
texts domain | III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Texts domain |
texts domain: work in progress | IV. Work in Progress Research areas | Texts |
The Book of Change Seminar | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > March 27, 2024: Seminar by G. Buccellati and Cornelius Holtorf at the Getty Conservation Institute: “Urkesh and The Book of Change Seminar” |
theorethical premises | I. The Project | Project's history: the Theory domain > 2006-10: Early statements |
theory | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: introduction > A website theory |
I. The Project | Project's history: the Theory domain |
Overview | Introduction |
Introduction > 1. Theory |
theory: implementation | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: implementation > Implementation of the theory |
For a website theory: principles > Inter-planarity |
theory: work in progress | IV. Work in Progress Research areas | Theory |
topical books | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain |
topical index | Part Two. The Project Chronicle Events | Topical list |
topographical areas | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 2. Functional and topographical areas |
TP (program) | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 2. Typological analysis (TP) |
IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > TP program |
transparency | I. The Project | Project's history: the Theory domain > Control |
triadic graphemic sorts | I. The Project | Project's history: the Texts domain > (1) Triadic graphemic sorts |
triads | I. The Project | Project's history: the Texts domain > (1) Triadic graphemic sorts |
typological/topical books | II. A system of websites | The Urkesh Global Record > The topical books |
III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Sites domain > (1) Sitewide |
I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 4. Typological books |
Project's history: the Sites domain > Typological books: Ceramics |
typology | II. A system of websites | The Urkesh Global Record > Typology |
UCLA | IV. Work in Progress Research areas | Programming > February 26-March 12, 2019: Digital work at UCLA (with Bernardo Forni) |
UCLA | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > February 14, 2023: Lecture by G. Buccellati at UCLA (“At the origins of monotheism”) |
Lectures > February 22, 2023: Lecture by G. Buccellati and M. Kelly-Buccellati at UCLA (“The dignity of the fragment”) |
UCLA meeting (June 2022) | IV. Work in Progress Workshops | Meetings > June 28, 2022: Working on the UGR at the UCLA Lab (A12) |
UCLA meeting (March 2023) | IV. Work in Progress Workshops | Meetings > March 3, 2023: Meeting at UCLA (G. Buccellati, M. Kelly-Buccellati, F. Buccellati, M. Stancavage, J. Walker) |
UCLA meetings (January-March 2023) | IV. Work in Progress Workshops | Meetings > January-March 2023: Meetings at UCLA |
Ugarit | I. The Project | Project's history: the Texts domain > 1977-84: Amarna, Ugarit |
UGR | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > November 16, 2021: Conference at Politecnico, Milan |
UGR: vademecum (MID) | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > Vademecum |
UNICATT | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > May 4-5, 2022: Lectures at the congress Humanism and Digitization |
unit books | II. A system of websites | The Urkesh Global Record > The primacy of the unit books |
III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Sites domain > (4) Other excavation units |
I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain |
Project's history: the Sites domain > 1. Excavation units |
Project's history: the Sites domain > Excavation units |
unit books: Palace area | III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Sites domain > (2) Excavation units in the Palace area |
unit books: Temple plaza | III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Sites domain > (3) Excavation units in the Temple plaza area |
Urkesh Extended Project | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > May 8, 2024: Lecture by G. Buccellati and M. Kelly-Buccellati: “The Urkesh Extended Project: Community archaeology and digital discourse” |
Urkesh Global Record (UGR) | II. A system of websites | The Urkesh Global Record |
Urkesh Global Record (UGR) | II. A system of websites | The Urkesh Global Record > The primacy of the unit books |
I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > Types of digital books within the UGR |
Project's history: the Sites domain > Urkesh Global Record (UGR) |
Project's history: the Theory domain > 2008 and 2012: Two grant proposals |
V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > November 16, 2021: Conference at Politecnico, Milan |
Urkesh glyptics | III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Seals domain > The Urkesh Glyptics digital book |
Urkesh glyptics: typology | III. The goals | "Mesopotamica": the Seals domain > Glyptic typology |
Urkesh: Monumental Urban Complex | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 2008: An Archaeological Grammar and a Global Record for the Monumental Urban Complex of Urkesh (Mellon grant) | | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > | work in progress | IV. Work in Progress Research areas | Urkesh websites |
Urkesh Seal Dictionary | I. The Project | Project's history: the Seals domain > 2004: Urkesh Seal Dictionary |
Urkesh Typological Record (UTR) | I. The Project | Project's history: the Seals domain > The “Urkesh Typological Record” (UTR) |
utilities | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > Utilities |
IV. Work in Progress Workshops Seminars | Beola 4c > Utilities |
Beola 4d > Utilities |
Beola 5 > Utilities |
Beola 6 > Utilities |
vademecum (MID): UGR) | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > Vademecum |
versions | | Archives |
Archives > Versions |
Current versions |
visuals | I. The Project | Project's history: the Theory domain > Multimedia ante litteram |
volumetric analysis | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 2016: 3DVA. F. Buccellati, Volumetric Analysis |
VR | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > Integrated approach: virtual heritage |
VWX | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > JD & VWX programs |
VWX (program) | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 3. Graphics: photography and drawings (VWX) |
Project's history: the Sites domain > Programs in Archaeology (PA) |
web | I. The Project | The logo |
web: B.C. | I. The Project | The logo > A worldwide web B.C. |
website: content | II. The website | Authorship > Content |
website: conversion to DABI | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Websites > Conversion of website from HTML to DABI (“4banks” domain) |
website: conversion to MID | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Websites > Conversion of website from HTML to MID ( domain) |
website: design | II. The website | Authorship > Design |
website: new, in DABI | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Websites > Creation of new websites in DABI (“4banks” domain) |
website: new, in MID | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Websites > Creation of new websites in MID ( domain) |
website not yet in MID | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Websites > Still to be converted/created |
websites | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: introduction > A basic dichotomy |
I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain |
Project's history: the Sites domain > 2000-11: Websites |
websites: aggregative nature | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: principles > Aggregative nature of websites |
websites: discursive nature | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: principles > Discursive nature of websites |
websites: organic entities | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: principles > Discursive nature of websites |
websites: results | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Websites |
website structure | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: principles > Perception of the whole |
Overview | Introduction > Website structure |
website system: flexibility | I. The Project | Project's history: the Theory domain > Fragmentation |
website theory | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: examples |
For a website theory: implementation > Implementation of the theory |
For a website theory: introduction |
I. The Project | "Cybernetica" "Mesopotamica" > “Cybernetica“ |
wholeness | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: principles > Perception of the whole |
The Urkesh Global Record > The primacy of the unit books |
The Urkesh Global Record > The system of digital books |
wisdom | V. Results Scholarly Outcomes | Lectures > October 26, 2022: Lecture by G. Buccellati (workshop Wisdom Between East and West) |
work in progress | IV. Work in Progress | Research areas |
workshops | IV. Work in Progress | Workshops |
World Wide Web | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 1997-2002: LAN and graphic interface |
writing | II. A system of websites | For a website theory: introduction > Lessons from the past: language and writing |
I. The Project | "Cybernetica" "Mesopotamica" > “Mesopotamia” as the subject |
ZOOM links | IV. Work in Progress | Reserved for Staff > ZOOM links |
ZSB (storage) | I. The Project | Project's history: the Sites domain > 4. Storage (ZSB) |