Operational websites for the three years of the project, then constant maintenance and updating.
Concerning websites, the team of the Cybernerica Mesopotamica project is focusing on two goals:
- the convertion of old format websites (HTML) to MID/DABI new version;
- the creation of new websites, already in MID/DABI format related to (unit and topical books) and to the “4banks” hub.
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Already converted/created
For a synoptical chart of the websites which have been already converted, see here (“Overview and Timeline”).
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Conversion of old format websites
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Conversion of website from HTML to MID ( domain)
Thus far, the following websites/section of websites have been converted from HTML to MID:
- unit books:
- topical books:
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Conversion of website from HTML to DABI (“4banks” domain)
So far, the following websites have been converted from HTML to DABI:
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Still to be converted/created
For a synoptical chart of the websites which have still to be converted, fully or partially, see here (“Digital Discourse”); cf. also the related page on staff agenda.
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