In the picture, from left to right: Bernardo Forni, Daria Lucini, Giorgio Buccellati, Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati, Jessica Scaciga, Sarah Comelli, Marco De Pietri
Back to top: Beola 4c June 23-30, 2023
After the workshop “Beola 4b”, a third session of the main workshop “Beola 4” was taken in Beola, involving the participation of the following members of the team (portrayed in the picture above): Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati (directors of the project Cybernetica Mesopotamica), Bernardo Forni (webmaster), Jessica Scaciga (assistant for the ceramics), Sarah Comelli (UGR author), and Marco De Pietri (assistant).
Sarah Comelli was able to attend just the first two days of the workshop while the other members were present until the very end of the meeting.
Back to top: Beola 4c June 23-30, 2023
Main goals
This workshop has been organized with the following main goals:
- further development of the programs (particularly MID and VWX);
- conversion of some topical and unit books of the UGR from HTML to the new program MID (developed by Bernardo Forni);
- creation of new topical books;
- introduction (by Bernardo Forni) to the functioning of the new programs;
- implementing MID;
- introducing and coaching new collaborators to HTML and Markdown;
- development of the CM website;
- planning the next steps in the project.
Back to top: Beola 4c June 23-30, 2023
Major achievements
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Giorgio Buccellati
- reported on the near completion of the first section (“PART ONE”) of the CM website;
- worked with Sarah Comelli on plans for work on the Urkesh metals;
- worked with Bernardo Forni on details of the various websites.
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Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati
- reviewed the current situation of the topical book on CERAMICS, which is close to completion;
- presented plans for the topical book on Urkesh GLYPTICS from the Old Akkadian through the Middle Assyrian periods.
Back to top: Beola 4c June 23-30, 2023
Sarah Comelli
Starting learning HTML and MID (thus far, just Markdown language).
Back to top: Beola 4c June 23-30, 2023
Marco De Pietri
- coaching Jessica Scaciga in the conversion (HTML to MID) of the topical book on CERAMICS;
- review of the topical book on GRAMMAR;
- conversion (HTML to MID) of the UGR book MZ sitewide;
- assisting Giorgio Buccellati in finishing the second section (“PART TWO”) of the CM website;
- creation (in MID) of the following new topical books:
Back to top: Beola 4c June 23-30, 2023
Bernardo Forni
- development of JD for the UGR:
- spreadsheet database (with example made using Excel);
- improvements to interactive correlations;
- generation of data set statistics;
- images database;
- relays data calculation and automation.
- completed development of VWX.
- general improvements to MID and providing support for its utilization.
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Jessica Scaciga
Assisting Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati in reviewing the topical book on CERAMICS converting it from HTML to MID.
Back to top: Beola 4c June 23-30, 2023
Online meeting with James Walker
(In the picture, from left to right; left frame: James Walker; right frame: Marco De Pietri, Jessica Scaciga, Bernardo Forni, Giorgio Buccellati, Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
A virtual meeting was taken on Thursday June 29, 2003, in the afternoon between the team in Beola and James Walker, to discuss some details of the programs.
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Back to top: Beola 4c June 23-30, 2023
Password(s) for people working on UGR
A single password has been set for all the websites currently in development and related to the UGR, both topical and unit books.
A file with all the useful IDs and PWs can be downloaded here (ID and PW required).
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