Back to top: Beola 4b June 19-22, 2023
After the workshop “Beola 4a”, a second short workshop involved the participation of the following team (portrayed in the picture above): Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati (directors of the project Cybernetica Mesopotamica) and Bernardo Forni (webmaster).
Back to top: Beola 4b June 19-22, 2023
Main goals
Continuation of the work done in previous days, in particular finishing some missing tabulations, improving the MID program, and fixing bugs.
Back to top: Beola 4b June 19-22, 2023
Major achievements
- JD tabulations: Stratigraphic summaries;
- improved MID search functionality (titles in bold, order by filename);
- improved MID extract-TOC;
- Cyb-mes style update.
Back to top: Beola 4b June 19-22, 2023