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Methods and techniques
The fundamental distinction between methods and techniques must be stressed from the outset (see G. Buccellati, Critique, 7.3-5).
A technique refers to the way in which a tool is made, maintained and used. It is essentially non-inventory specific, i.e., it is independent of the data to which it is applied. Thus the use of digital photography requires a special know-how of cameras, but not of the object being photographed; in the same way, the use of a car requires to be able to drive it, not to know where one wants to go, or why.
A method, on the other hand, refers to the way in which a tool is applied with regard to a given set of data. It is, therefore, inventory specific. Thus a photo taken with a camera must have the purpose of illustrating a given aspect of the data, while setting a destination and showing how to go there is the reason for actually driving the car, not to mention the reason behind the trip.
In other words, shooting a photo or driving a car is matter of technique, whereas knowing why one shoots a photo with a camera, or knowing how to get to one’s destination with a car, is a matter of method.
The notion of cybernetics subsumes methods and techniques (see also I. The project), and the project aims to deal effectively with both, but highlighting the primacy of method within the framework of digital humanism. And we do this in two ways, through (1) a theoretical statement of the principles and (2) an actual implementation of these principles.
At the same time, we continue to be deeply involved in the technical aspect, and so we will continue to develop (3) a set a programs that serve two main purposes: (A) the processing of data and (B) the articulation of a digital argument.
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(1) Theory
The theoretical statement is given in a dedicated website, It focuses on the way in which a website should be used as a proper epistemic system, through the application of a multi-planar and multi-linear discourse that requires new skills in “writing” and “reading” a website.
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A basic dichotomy
Websites have quickly become an established channel for scholarly communication, but there is a profound epistemic dichotomy in their structure. They have a truly digital dimension as databases, but have remained quite atrophied with regard to the articulation of a properly digital argument. They serve a function as containers, where data are stored with an immensely greater potential for retrieval than is the case with pre-digital tools. But the argument, one that leads to original conclusions from known premises, is relegated to separate analog versions, whether in the form of .PDF renderings of printed publications, or as their .HTML equivalents. These are not integrated with the data, but juxtaposed to them.
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Artificial Argument
The current trend of Artificial Intelligence aims precisely in this direction: it constructs an argument. In fact, it may be more accurate to speak of an Artificial Argument: what we obtain is a sequential rearrangement of known data along lines that are suggested by the content of the individual cells that have already been accessed and stored.
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Digital Discourse
Our goal harks back to the time honored search for an integration between analysis and synthesis, between the fragments and the whole. The wider relevance of our approach is that it faces squarely the problems generally recognized as being posed by the unbridled development of the Internet. Our suggestion is that we should use it more rather than less, introducing an approach that allows multiple planes to be developed concurrently in such a way that they interlace structurally with each other and allow a multi-linear argument to be developed.
It is what I call “digital discourse,” an epistemic system parallel to that of a uni-linear sequential narrative as is normally available in printed format (or electronically in similar analog formats). In a website constructed with this in mind, there is a dynamic inter-planarity, in the sense that multiple concurrent planes “discourse” with each other and together create a whole. The concurrence of inter-planarity and multi-linearity may be also expressed with the term “polyhedral.”
We may represent this diagrammatically as follows (where A is the core narrative, and B and C parallel planes):
The theory was first presented in full in the book A Critique of Archaeological Reason, and then developed in various articles. It is now being expanded in a dedicated website, This website is currently being written, and one of the first goals of the project is to fully complete the website and to publish at the same time a parallel printed book. They will also serve as a detailed introduction to the conceptual nature of the various other websites where the theory is implemented.
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Ethics and epistemics
Much is being written and said about the ethical problems and risks of digitality, particularly with regard to artificial intelligence. It is essentially a question of control, an issue that our species has confronted before, notably with the introduction of language first and of writing later – something which will be discussed in depth in the Digital Discourse website.
But upstream of the ethical dimension, in ways that are not being sufficiently recognized, is the epistemic issue, especially as it concerns the structure of websites. We are being drawn more and more into the whirlwind of fragmentary information, and we are losing the ability, even the inclination, to deal with the whole. This is sharply reducing the interest in constructing proper arguments, and thus to develop and maintain a true critical sense.
The notion of digital discourse, as applied in the website of Cybernetica Mesopotamica, raises the bar, in that it requires to write and read in ways that integrate multiple arguments into a single overarching whole. It is a challenge that has not been faced yet, and one that, in my view, is more pressing and important than the one relating to artificial intelligence.
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(2) Implementation of the theory
The theoretical statement is not an end in itself – and it has, in fact, developed alongside its very implementation and to a large extent following it. My goal is to bring out more clearly this connection between theory and practice.
All the websites in the system aim to do precisely that, i.e., to show how the website theory can be de facto implemented. But this new epistemic system is novel and its functioning is not immediately transparent. We are used to store data in a website instead of writing it, and to use these data instead of reading the website seen as conduit for an argument, and this habit is so pervasive that it is difficult to see the much greater and deeper potential of the medium.
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Language and writing
We need to educate ourselves to this new dimension, and a reflection on the origin of language and of writing is helpful in this respect.
Sounds referring to things or events were an indispensable pre-condition of language, but were far from constituting a linguistic reality. Language emerged only when it became possible to render logical connections through a proper syntactical structure. And it certainly must have taken a great deal of time before the difference became clear and every speaker became accustomed to the power of the new medium.
Similarly, graphic representations of things had little in common with writing, even though such representations (pictograms) were a necessary precondition. But the real import of the new medium was in the articulate connection among signs and the organization of thought in a structured visible format. And while everyone in any given linguistic group had become a speaker of the shared language, very few acquired the new know-how and became scribes.
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Boundary definition
sidebars, segmented highlights (inspectional reading
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An argument is linear because it consists of segments that follow each other: words, sentences, paragraphs are intrinsically tied to each other sequentially. There is a specific syntax and logic that guides this sequence.
“non sequitur” / casual juxtaposition of segments
More importantly, an argument is linear in the way in which it develops from a premise to a conclusion. Linearity is therefore essentially linked to directionality: it aims towards a goal.
And this means in turn that the argument is conceived as a whole: the individual segments of which it is composed acquire their meaning in function of the
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fragmentation, non-wholeness
see 4banks
Current websites are multi-planar in the sense that their pages are parallel and directly accessible to each other, and so are websites among each other.
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Inter-planarity and multi-linearity
Just as language was to sounds, and writing was to representational images, so an inter-planar and multi-linear website is to a website in current use.
Current websites are multi-planar in the sense that their pages are parallel and directly accessible to each other, and so are websites among each other. What a multi-linear inter-planarity adds is the notion that an argument can proceed linearly along multiple paths and draw on planes that are written concurrently with each other in mind. It is a radical transformation of the earlier epistemic models where the argument, as presented by any given author, is intrinsically unilinear and uniplanar. Critical thought as such is indeed interplanar, in that it draws on multiple resources and on one’s own judgment. However, this interaction is not made explicit until it is formalized with additional written arguments that are superimposed on the original one. Interplanarity, instead, is construed as such from the beginning, and is possible only because of the digital format it can take.
It is my goal not only to describe this in a theoretical framework, but also to show through the implementation of the theory how it actually works. A full discussion of the concept will be given in the Digital Discourse website.
planes written in function of each other
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(3) Programming
Several suites of programs have been written to make this implementation possible. They constitute the technical backbone of the system. Some have been completed in the first stage of the Balzan phase of the project, others will be finalized in the course of our work.
The entire programming aspect of the project is now entrusted to Bernardo Forni.
There are two main aspects in the Cybernetica Mesopotamica programming plan: one that is more specifically linked to the processing of primary data, and the other that is geared to prepare an output in browser format especially in view of an effective interlacing of levels (interplanarity).
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Data processing
There are three sets of programs, one for each of three of the project’s domains: sites, texts and bibliography.
(1) The set of programs for the Urkesh Global Record (UGR), within the Sites domain has been fully operative since the beginning. A major rewrite has been completed in the first stage of the Cybernetica Mesopotamica project, and is being currently used on a regular basis.
(2) The set of programs for the Texts domain has not been in use in recent years, and needs to be rewritten. For the time being, however, one can use the old outputs, which are available in ASCII format.
(3) DABI (Digital Analysis of Bibliographical Information), a program written by Bernardo Forni, processes bibliographical entries and integrates them into the overall narrative of the 4Banks websites.
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In the service of the argument
A new program (MID) has been largely completed, and is in current use. It is used in all websites, from all five domains: it prepares the input for browser display and produces indices, in addition to enabling a full Search function.
What is currently needed is primarily the conversion of existing websites to a format that is suited for this program.
The MNI program, which produces the “Multi-Nodal Index,” will also be implemented for all websites in the Bibliography domain.
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