Cybernetica Mesopotamica

A Balzan Foundation Research Project

IV. Work in Progress

Beola 4a
June 12-17, 2023

James L. Walker – June 2023


In the picture, from left to right; first row: Bernardo Forni, Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati, James Walker; second row: Jessica Scaciga, Daria Lucini, Giorgio Buccellati

Back to top: Beola 4a June 12-17, 2023


This meeting convened on June 12, 2023, to continue the development of programs to process and display archaeological data for use on the Mozan website.

Additionally, we needed to continue work to prepare excavation unit A15 for its final publication.

Participating were Giorgio Buccellati, Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati, Bernardo Forni, and James Walker (with the collaboration of Jessica Scaciga and Daria Lucini).

Back to top: Beola 4a June 12-17, 2023


The goals for the program development work were:

  • Tabulation sub-program
  • Elevation sub-program
  • VWX sub-program
  • Relay sub-program

In addition, Bernardo Forni is to train James Walker on the use of the MID and modified JD programs.

Back to top: Beola 4a June 12-17, 2023


Main results:

  • The tabulation program was completed on June 16.
  • The elevation program was completed on June 17.
  • The training was ad hoc and completed on June 17.
  • VWX program development is progressing and is due to be completed by June 30.
  • The relay program is not immediately needed and was postponed indefinitely.

The following UGR sections for A15 were completed:

Back to top: Beola 4a June 12-17, 2023

Future plans

James Walker departed on June 17 but will remain available to consult via e-mail and Skype.

A similar session (labeled “Beola 4b”) will be convened next week to continue program development.

(In the picture, from left to right: Daria Lucini, Bernardo Forni, James Walker, Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati, Giorgio Buccellati, Jessica Scaciga).

Back to top: Beola 4a June 12-17, 2023