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A two-pronged approach
The project aims (1) to present certain sets of data, many of which are as yet unpublished, and (2) to develop a reflection about digital method. The title of the project reflects this duality and I will address each side of the issue respectively in the section Cybernetica as it pertains to methods, and in the section Mesopotamica as it pertains to data.
“Cybernetica: the digital goals.” –
Conceptually, we aim to clarify this two-pronged approach and to show its wider relevance for the humanities and the social sciences.
“Mesopotamica“: the substantive goals. –
Operationally, our aim is to complete a number of websites in the system, in addition to using a number of other established channels of scholarly communication. I will list here the details of how implementation will take place in the form of digital and other publications, the details of which will be given in Section IV. WORK IN PROGRESS and section V. RESULTS.
Non-digital. – While the thrust of our project is in the digital area, our aim is also to pursue a number of other venues in publishing the results of the project’s work.
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A comprehensive list of individual projects by author
The project is an intensively collaborative project. Listed here are all the individual projects, by author’s last name, from all five domains.
The link after the author’s name leads to the pertinent domain within the Goals section, while the title of the project leads to the pertinent website. The entries at the end, with a dash in lieu of an author’s name, are still unassigned.
For the section on Printed Venues I only include books and omit the articles.
Marco De Pietri is the editorial coordinator of all the projects within the system.
- A. Ahmad and L. Crescioli (sites), A6: the kitchen area of the service quarter AK
- F. Buccellati (sites), A16 (2nd edition)
- F. Buccellati (sites), AP: the Palace area as a whole
- F. Buccellati (ed.) (printed), Terqa Cloves and Paleobotany, Scarabs and Beads, Plaques and Figurines
- F. Buccellati (ed.) (printed), Collectanea Urkeshiana 1. Conservation and Site Presentation
- G. Buccellati (this introductory website), Cybernetica Mesopotamica, Part One
- G. Buccellati (sites), Conservation
- G. Buccellati (sites), Grammar
- G. Buccellati (sites), Mozan sitewide
- G. Buccellati (theory), Digital discourse
- G. Buccellati (bibliography), Four Banks
- G. Buccellati (bibliography), Mesopotamian literature
- G. Buccellati (printed), Digital Discourse. A View from the Field
- G. Buccellati (printed), Urkesh beyond Urkesh. Conservation and Cultural Heritage
- G. Buccellati and M. Stancavage (printed), Cornerstone and Necromancy
- S. Comelli (sites), Metal artifacts
- L. Crescioli (sites), A20: eastern sector
- L. Crescioli (sites), J1: the central portion of the revetment wall
- L. Crescioli (sites), J2: the monumental access area
- L. Crescioli (printed) Pottery Kilns from the Khabur Period
- M. De Pietri(sites), conversion of UGR books to MID standards
- M. De Pietri, editor: R. Hauser (sites), Animal figurines
- M. De Pietri (this introductory website), Cybernetica Mesopotamica, Part Two
- M. De Pietri (sites), S6: a path to the Palace area
- M. De Pietri (bibliography), Mesopotamian politics
- B. Forni (sites), Rewrite of JD and VWX programs
- B. Forni (sites), Sitewide tabulations and database program
- B. Forni (sites),
- B. Forni (sites), Roster and lexicon updating program
- B. Forni (sites), Website on Python program documentation
- J. L. Hayes (bibliography), Akkadian grammatical studies
- J. L. Hayes and T.-L. Tanaka (texts), Old Babylonian royal letters: morphemic analysis
- J. L. Hayes and T.-L. Tanaka (texts), Old Babylonian letters: graphemic analysis
- M. Kelly-Buccellati (sites), Ceramics
- M. Kelly-Buccellati (seals), Glyptics
- M. Kelly-Buccellati (bibliography), Mesopotamian art
- M. Kelly-Buccellati (printed), Urkesh Ceramics
- M. Kelly-Buccellati (printed), Urkesh Glyptics
- A. Kharobi (sites), Physical anthropology
- A. Kharobi ((printed), Physical anthropology
- J. Lynch (bibliography), Mesopotamian religion
- Y. Mahmoud (sites), Human figurines
- Y. Mahmoud (sites), J4: the Western end of the Plaza
- Y. Mahmoud (printed), Human figurines
- L. Recht (sites), ceramic sections in unit books (currently A15)
- L. Recht (seals), the ED III corpus
- L. Recht (bibliography), Critique of Archaeological Reason, second edition
- M. Stancavage (sites), A12: the necromantic shaft (ābi)
- J. L. Walker (sites), A9: service courtyard north of the service quarter AK
- J. L. Walker (sites), A14: sacral area
- J. L. Walker (sites), A15: reception area
- J. L. Walker (sites), J3: the LC3 levels
- J. L. Walker (sites), J5: the NW Mittani period access area
- J. L. Walker (sites), OH2: the field of Saleh al-Abrash
- – (sites), A7: the (presumed) entrance to the service quarter
- – (sites), A10: the kitchen area of the service quarter AK
- – (sites), A11: the service rooms of the courtyard
- – (sites), J7: the Eastern edge of the Plaza
- – (texts), Ebla personal names
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A timeline for completion of the various tasks within the project will be found below in Section IV.
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