This section will present some paper books with are currently in progress and are expected to be forthcoming in the next future (see for now section III. Goals/Printed venues/Books).
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September-December 2023
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September 15, 2023: Publication of Giorgio Buccellati’s book
“When on High the Heavens…”
Giorgio Buccellati's book "When on High the Heavens...". Mesopotamian Religion and Spirituality with Reference to the Biblical World has been recently published (by Routledge).
The book represents the English translation (edited by Jonah Lynch ) of the volume "Quando in alto i cieli...". La spiritualità mesopotamica a confronto con quella biblica (Jaca Book , 2012).
More information about the book, along with bibliography, notes and other material, can be found on the companion website "Mesopotamian Religion" |
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