In the picture, from left to right: Marco De Pietri, Jessica Scaciga, Giorgio Buccellati, Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati
Back to top: Beola 4d July 24-26, 2023
A short workshop was held in Beola (label: “Beola4d”) in the presence of Giorgio Buccellati, Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati, Marco De Pietri, and Jessica Scaciga.
Back to top: Beola 4d July 24-26, 2023
Main goals
The main purposes of this short but intensive workshop were:
- to advance toward the full completion of the CERAMICS topical book in MID version;
- to discuss other unit and topical books to be converted to MID, enabling authors to easily write their books;
- to review some sections of the CM website;
- to think of possible new programs to be written.
Back to top: Beola 4d July 24-26, 2023
Major achievements
The small team was able to reach the following major results:
- to complete the review of the MID version of the CERAMICS topical book;
- to convert to MID the unit books J3 and J4 (conversion assigned to Jessica Scaciga and Marco De Pietri, respectively);
- the CM website has been fully reviewed and checked;
- a new program has been thought to help finding errors in the text of the websites; this program will be written by Marco De Pietri with the initial assistance of Bernardo Forni.
Back to top: Beola 4d July 24-26, 2023
Next workshop
The next scheduled workshop (labeled “Beola 5”) will take place next September 11-16, 2023, gathering again in Beola many collaborators to the Cybernetica Mesopotamica project.
Back to top: Beola 4d July 24-26, 2023