In the picture, from left to right; left side: Giorgio Buccellati, Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati, James Walker, Bernardo Forni; right side: Lorenzo Crescioli, Marco De Pietri, Jessica Scaciga
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A report of the workshop can be found at this link.
A brief PDF version of the same report (without images) can be downloaded at the following link.
Back to top: Beola 3 May 17-23, 2023
Here you can watch the recording of the entire meeting taken on Thursday, May 19, 2023, from 4 PM to 7 PM, CEST (available for staff only, through ID and PW).
Back to top: Beola 3 May 17-23, 2023
Useful material
Useful material accessible to members of the staff through ID and PW:
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