Cybernetica Mesopotamica

A Balzan Foundation Research Project

III. The goals

Digital Discourse. A View from the Field

Giorgio Buccellati – April 2023


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February 7, 2023

“Dear friends,

     we are inviting you to contribute to a volume to be entitled: Digital Discourse. A View from the Field. The text of your chapter will be due by July 31, 2023.

     The goal of the volume is to show how the notion of digital discourse is actually taking shape concretely in the work we are all doing on the project. The concept was highlighted in the acceptance speech of the Balzan prize in Bern, and we have written about in the articles that are found at 5-articles.htm (please use “CM” as ID and PW). We ask that you study these texts closely, and think of how it can apply to the specific research you are currently doing on our project.

     We also ask you to “read” it should open to the public in March, but much of it is available now in a preliminary format (with “CM” as ID and PW); it serves as an introduction to our whole project. Sometime in the Spring, should also open, and we would ask you to “read” this website as well.

     Your contribution need not be long, but should really aim to show the impact that the concept has on “writing” a website, and thus on “reading” it. We will be available at any time for individual consultation, and we plan to have another seminar in September 2023 when we will discuss our contributions that will have been circulated and will thus form the basis for the whole seminar.

     Giorgio Buccellati
     Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati
     Federico Buccellati”

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An updated follow-up about the volume Digital Discourse. A View from the Field can be found here (ID and PW required).

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The volume Digital Discourse. A View from the Field has been dedicated to James L. Walker, as stated in the official letter of dedication.

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Digital Discourse. A View from the Field

See under the dedicated section for the PDF of the volume (first version: ZH913).

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