Cybernetica Mesopotamica

A Balzan Foundation Research Project

II. A system of websites

For a website theory: digital pages

Giorgio Buccellati – November 2024

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The concept of a page

The term “page” is used to refer to what is displayed on the screen, with the understanding that one should scroll the image if it appears not to fit in the current visible section of the screen. This depends on factors such as the screen resolution or of courde the length of the “page.” See above for more on the notion of “page”.

In some cases, a page may be quite long and correposnd in fact to a “chapter” in a book, as in this example for a bibliographical digital book, or in this one for the digital book of an excavation unit.

In other cases, a page my be quite short, as in this archival note or in this description of a stratum.

For each website, under “Front Matter,” we give a count of the “pages” comprised in the website, see for instance in this website.

page as embodiment of website

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Discursive and segmented pages

The high number of pages in the excavation unit books (e. g., A15) is due to the number of constituents listed in the right hand side bar, in particular the ceramic sherds –– since each sherd has a single page, or (in the case of body sherds) shares a page with other sherds of the same ware. It is obviously inconceivable to have a printed book of some 25,000 pages, and in this regard the term and concept of a digital “book” must be revised.

But it is precisely in this regard that we open another window onto the intellectually daunting aspect of a digital book conceived as we do here. The quantity of data is indeed outsized; but, and this is the essential aspect of the question, it is conceptually integrated into a major overriding argument, one that is coherent in itself and in turn integrated into a number of parallel arguments built on the interplanar model. The challenge is for us to learn to wrote and to read such websites.

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Discursive pages

The average number of pages hovers around one hundred (for the excavation units, the total refers only to the pages accessed from the left hand side bar). [check all page numbers]

Introductory CM dD 4B UGR
108124? 33 = 254

Sitewide &
392630130217= 1369

A Units A6A9A10A12A14A15A16A20
101= 101

J units J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7
15112996 68 11411293 = 763

Bibliographical Critique Politics Religion
157??= 157

Total number of pages: 3250 (excluding constituent pages in Unit books)

Complete the chart (check 4B ?)

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Segmented pages

A Units A6A9A10A12A14A15A16A20

J units J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7
elements 6943 6,943
ceramics 5,622 5,622
referents 133 133
incidentals 13 13
totals 14,465 14,465

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Backups and versions

The amount of pages is staggesring

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